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In Conversation With: Tatiana Alida

Author Editor - 5 minute read


Tatiana Alida Design was founded by Tatiana Alida Carrelet in 2017. She studied Art and Design at university, before going onto set up her business which focuses on her perfectly imperfect designs. Her aim was to create a quirky, whimsical and an accessible brand that everyone - regardless of their walk of life - can enjoy. Currently living in London, we caught up with the illustrator of the moment to hear more about her work and career to date.


When did you know that you wanted a career in illustration? 

I’ve been creative from a super young age and I always knew illustrations and art would be an important part of my life. Creativity was always encouraged by my parents, so much so that I was given a sewing machine for my 11th birthday which I still use today! However I think I was always aware how tricky it would be to be successful in the creative field and I wasn’t naive to think it could happen overnight. I studied art and design at University and naturally loved it so left University with the idea that I’d stay in a creative field but be sensible. I got an internship working for a PR team in London and immediately realised this wasn’t for me and left after six months. Since then, I’ve had a lot of different jobs but all with flexible hours so that I was able to always work on my art. A lot of the time I would compare myself to friends who had ‘serious’ careers and feel like I had to keep up with them. I have nannied, worked in catering and worked in retail but I don’t regret anything or look back on anything negatively. I loved working with children and miss this terribly. Every job I have had has taught me so much and I have learnt skills I use today in my own business. Lots of trial and error but I have enjoyed every moment and am super happy with where I am today. 


Are there any cultural, political or news-worthy moments that have inspired or impacted your work? 

Political probably not, I like to keep my work happy and light and I think that space has a lot of negative connotations and divides people. However I would say that the uprising for female empowerment, independence and the BOSS mentality has definitely helped me and inspired my work. The confidence I have when I talk about my work and running my own business has definitely improved. I feel everyone is a lot kinder and supportive. When I first started my business, I created an Instagram page for it three times, each time deleting it because I was so scared of what people would think. I had boyfriends who would laugh at my work and say it was a joke and that I couldn’t be serious wanting to pursue a career with it. At the time, I listened to them and let their words affect me. I can’t imagine that happening now, there are so many powerful and amazing female role models speaking out and having their voices heard that I would have felt stronger to continue.  

 What keeps you going and what makes you jump out of bed in the morning? 

As corny as it sounds, I love being in my studio and in my creative space, blocking out the rest of the world and working. It gives me so much joy and I feel so blessed to be able to do this everyday. In terms of gratification, seeing people’s faces when they receive my art, especially the commissioned pieces I do, is amazing. I also like hearing people’s opinions on my work when they see a new piece or view my work for the first time. Good or bad, feedback really focuses my mind and ignites my drive. 


What five words would you use to discuss your career path? Did you know straight away what you wanted to do or was it a case of trial and error for a few years to find your calling? We want to know everything!

I would say a struggle because it really wasn’t easy at the start and there are still moments of panic and stress.

Busy - when I was still working part-time and rushing to art fairs every weekend to showcase my work, I honestly don’t think my friends or family saw me for months at a time. 

Pinch me - I think I will always feel this way, it feels so surreal to be doing what I love to do every day. 

Proud - that I made it to this point and didn’t give up.

Happy, always happy!

What is the most valuable thing you have learnt from your career? Has anyone ever provided you with one invaluable piece of advice – who was it and what did they say? Why did it impact you so much? 

I think "do you" is the best piece of advice you can give anyone and its even more relevant in the creative world. There are so many temptations to mimic what other artists do because their work is more successful than yours but it is so important to stick with what you do best and make that your niche. My parents have always been so supportive of my siblings and I and encouraged us to be whoever we want to be and do whatever makes us the happiest we can be. 


Are there any particular women or female entrepreneurs that have inspired you and why? 

So many! As I mentioned earlier, I think we are so lucky in this current time to have the most incredible women to look up to. In particular I am a huge fan of Giovanna Battaglia Engelbert, author of Gio-graphy: Fun In The Wild World Of Fashion, I am in awe of Jeanne Damas, founder of the Parisian brand Rouje and Lucinda Chambers, co-founder of Collagerie - my new one stop e-tailer. Finally I find the career paths’ of Alexa Chung and Charlotte Tilbury fascinating and super inspiring. 

- Find out more about Tatiana's work over at