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Author Editor - 2 minute read

Our wider community continues to be more important than ever. As a branch of our Community Connection initiatives and building on our brand heritage, our AW22 'I AM' shoot spotlights individuals from our wider community, celebrating their talents, unique personalities, stories and diverse backgrounds - adding to our support of emerging talent.

Introducing Kit Clarke, an actor and model based in London and Milan. Kit left school at 16 and moved to New Zealand for a year to work on his uncle's building site as a roofer. Then once we was back, he attended drama school and started to pursue a career in acting. After his first break on a Netflix show, he continues to work as an actor and occasionally modelling. We caught up with Kit to put the spotlight on his story and to explore his passions and inspirations.

Tell us a little bit about yourself…

Well, I’m a bit of a hermit when I’m not acting. I enjoy spending time by myself going to the cinema and watching films at home. I enjoy cooking as I once worked as a chef and usually when I do go out to see people I just do impressions for anyone that will listen.

Do you remember French Connection / FCUK growing up?

Yes I do, I remember buying my big brother a t-shirt from FCUK saying ‘this is the man’ written on it when I was about 11. He has since lent it to me and I wore it until it completely fell apart.

Who/what has inspired you the most?

When I was about 16 I started watching films more and more. I remember seeing Leonardo DiCaprio in The Aviator and I just remember thinking how cool he looked and acted and felt I wanted to be like that.
I became obsessed with seeing all of his films, and then all of Jack Nicholson’s, and subsequently all of Marlon Brando’s. I have been inspired by many actors and the interesting roles they have played.

How would you describe your personal style?

Quite classic, simple and old school.




From people you’ve worked with in the industry, peers or role models, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

I remember meeting Ray Liotta and he told me to learn an American accent as an English actor.



What causes are close to you heart? How important is community to you?

I’ve always enjoyed visiting the animal rescue centre. If I could rescue every cat and dog in London, I would. Community is important for a lot of people, but I sometimes feel a bit of a Lone Ranger. I’m happy that way and have a very small group of close friends. I enjoy working on film sets because everyone is sharing a common goal and focuses their energy into producing something worthwhile. So I enjoy the film set community.



What hobbies do you enjoy when you’re not modelling/outside of work?  

I enjoy watching films, cooking, and going to the cinema, sometimes with my girlfriend.



Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us…

I ran four marathons by the time I was 21. My fastest time was 2 hours 53 minutes.









Spring summer or autumn winter… Spring summer


Currently binge-watching… Sean Penn films


After work, you’ll usually find me… At the cinema.


What's the one thing you can't live without? Boiled eggs and toast soldiers.


Career highlight so far… Getting the role of Rupert Everett in his upcoming biopic.



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